Evaluation Survey

Evaluation Survey

Author: Annalisa Trabbia Committee: Create Committee Date: 17/06/2024 The course “Eppo e diritto Ue: un passo avanti per l’integrazione” has just finished. The Create Committee decided to make an evaluation survey about it, so that it can be useful for a better...
Corso “Steppo”

Corso “Steppo”

Author: Giuseppe Scaramuzzino Committee: Create Committee Date: 22/02/2024 Il corso “STEPPO” è uno dei corsi di eccellenza Jean Monnet del nostro dipartimento di giurisprudenza. Si tratta di un corso innovativo e internazionale, che contribuirà moltissimo anche alla...
Corso “Steppo”

“Steppo” course

Author: Giuseppe Scaramuzzino Translator: Adriana Maria Valladares Committee: Create Committee Date: 22/02/2024 The course “STEPPO” is one of the Jean Money excellence courses of our law department. It is an innovative and international course, which will also greatly...
The October 10th “Experiment”.

The October 10th “Experiment”.

Author: Iman Khodri – Chair of the Create Committee Committee: Create Committee Date: 02/02/2024 On October 10, 2023, my colleague Ms. Veronica Carbone and I, Iman Khodri, gave a lecture at the EU law class at University Milano Bicocca in front of around 190 students...
Survey on the upcoming debates

Survey on the upcoming debates

Survey on the upcoming debates As per our last steering committee meeting we would love to have your feedback on the type of debate you would like to lead https://forms.gle/4ziUBDzkQeDToinE6