Legal Resources

Law resources

EPPO Legal Basis

EPPO Regulation (EU) 2017/1939 Download ITDownload EN

PIF Directive(EU) 2017/1371 Download ITDownload EN

D.L.vo 9/2021 in force since 6.2.2021 (amended by D.L. 17/2022 (GU 1.3.2022) – Download IT

Digital Collection

A Digital Collection of Lectures 2021-2022 – Download


Eppo and the Rule of Law: the annual Report

Eppo and the Rule of Law: the annual Report

Author: Ilaria Sticchi Committee: Academic Committee Date: 27/07/2024 On 24 July 2024 the European Commission has published its fifth annual Rule of Law Report, examining rule of law developments in all Member States. For the first time, the report includes 4...

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