Authors: Lorenzo Salazar, Federica Gentilini
Committee: Collaborate Committee
Date: 27/02/2024

Generale Stefano Screpanti: Comandante del Nucleo della Guardia di Finanzia per la repressione delle frodi nei confronti dell’Unione Europea, presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per gli affari europei.  

 COLAF (National Committee for combating fraud against the European Union) 

 On Saturday the 24th of February, STEPPO has published on its YouTube channel “Steppo EuLaw”, the interview with the General of the Italian Financial Police Stefano Screpanti. 

 The topic of the interview is the COLAF Report of the year 2022 that has been published on the 11th of December 2023. 

Together with the General S. Screpanti, we had the possibility to deeply analyze the main points of the Report and even more interestingly the next step that Italy is going to take in upcoming years. 

We invite you all to watch the interview as it will give you the possibility to better understand how Italy is taking part in fighting frauds against the European Union and how the COLAF and COCOLAF work. 

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