Author: Beatrice Pellegrino
Committee: Connect Subcommittee
Date: 07/02/2024

This week marks the exciting launch of “Steppo: A Step Forward in Integration,” a groundbreaking podcast that takes you on a journey through the intricate landscape of this vital institution.

In each episode of “Steppo,” listener will find interviews with key figures within the EPPO, legal experts, and other stakeholders. Together, they unravel the complexities of the EPPO’s mission, operations, and significance in safeguarding the financial interests and human rights of the European Union (EU).
Legal experts will provide insight information of the EPPO’s unique position as a supranational entity, allowing it to transcend borders and coordinate investigations.

As the episodes progress, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the EPPO, from harmonizing legal systems across diverse jurisdictions to securing cooperation from member states. Despite these obstacles, the EPPO remains steadfast in its commitment to transparency, accountability, and impartiality.

In the podcast, practical cases and the remarkable investigative successes of the European prosecutor’s office will also be analysed, highlighting its crucial role in safeguarding EU resources and preserving the integrity of its institutions.
Our main goal with this podcast is to reach as many people as possible and make the work of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) understandable in safeguarding the financial interests and economic and financial rights of the European Union, but above all its citizens.

In our first episode, we are going to examine a significant topic: the agricultural fund of the EU. This fund represents a cornerstone of EU policy, supporting farmers, rural development, and sustainable agriculture across member states. However, it is not immune to challenges such as fraud, corruption, and mismanagement.

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  • Type in Your Search Query: In the search bar, type in the name of the podcast you’re looking for or relevant keywords related to the podcast’s title, topic, or host.









  • Listen to the Podcast: From the podcast’s page, you can listen to the latest episode by clicking or tapping on it. You can also explore older episodes if available.
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