Author: Antony Zhilkin
Subcommittee: Collaborate
Date: 16/08/2023

We are delighted to inform our followers that the new issue of the EUcrim journal mentioning the STEPPO project is now available.

Thanks to the chair of the Collaborate Subcommittee Lorenzo Salazar, the chapter devoted to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) also includes an abstract with the achievements of our Jean Monnet Module.

The abstract on page 17 of the issue informs the readers about the main activities of the STEPPO, as well as invites them to participate in the work of the Subcommittees and follow the latest updates at and social media profiles.

EUcrim is a tremendous resource for anyone interested in European Criminal Law and the Protection of the Financial Interests of the EU. It is not only a journal but a network of academics and practitioners who are working together to develop a criminal law system that respects civil liberties while effectively protecting European citizens and institutions. It is great to see such cooperation happening, and it is clear that the missions of EUcrim and STEPPO are aligned with each other. With this kind of collaboration, we can look forward to a safer and more just Europe for all.

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