Author: Fabrizia Bemer
Management Board
Milan, 15/05/2023

On the occasion of the meeting  at Villa Piccolo in Capo d’Orlando (Sicily) within the Pre and Post Project  to which Bemer Fabrizia, Chair of the VR Committee oft he Jean Monnet Module oft he Bicocca University  of Milan has participated  the European Public Prosecutor’Office has been mentioned.

It is clear now  the importance and the need of the Office oft he European Public Prosecutor and especially when speaking of crime and corruption it is necessary.

Sicilian Judges and Prosecutors  have acknowledged  the importance of  the EPPO in the field of economic  crimes because it is an instrument to combact mafia apparatus.

Furtheremore much importance is also given to the training oft Judges and Prosecutors  and the Vr game within the Jean Monnet Module of t he Bicocca University of Milan has been considered of great value.

Judges are not alone and they are given instruments to work with; the recent history of the judges Falcone and Borsellino has taught us that the work of judges and magistrates to be successful  needs of instruments and of people who help them in their jobs, if they are left alone they are loosers.

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