Topic 6 – 2024 – The Eppo and other bodies joining forces
3rd April 2024 | 16:30-18:30 | building U7 – aula 04
The EPPO Working Agreement with the European Commission
The EPPO has signed on 18 June 2021 an agreement with the European Commission. It establishes the modalities of cooperation between the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and the European Commission for the purpose of protecting the financial interests of the EU.
Benedetta Ubertazzi;
Emmanuel Farhat (online) – Slides
Federica Iorio.
Here you can find the video of the lesson
8th April 2024 | 16:30-18:30 | building U6 – aula 05
The EPPO and banking supervisory authorities
In the European arena, the EPPO will have to develop links with banking supervisory authorities, which have a long-standing tradition of cooperation with judicial authorities. In the EU supervisory banking authorities play an important role to provide information and where appropriate technical expertise to national prosecutors. Such a role is supported by various provisions in the banking and anti-money laundering EU and national legislative framework. In this context, Banca d’Italia has a long-standing tradition for cooperation with judicial authorities. The presentation will illustrate the grounds for cooperation between supervisory authorities and criminal prosecutors and how such co- operation developed and supported by the European legislative framework. It is expected that EPPO will have to establish similar links with supervisory authorities.
Benedetta Ubertazzi;
Graziano Grasso – Slides
Daniele Luison – Slides
Here you can find the video of the lesson
9th April 2024 | 16:30-18:30 | building U6 – aula 26
The EPPO working arrangements with the European Court of Auditors (ECA) and the Italian Gen- eral Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of Auditors (“Procura Generale presso la Corte dei conti”)
The EPPO signed a working arrangement on 3 September 2021 with the ECA. The EPPO and the ECA share a common interest in maximising efficiency in the fight against fraud, corruption and any other criminal damage to the EU’s financial interests, and in avoiding the duplication of effort wherever possible. This arrangement outlines the conditions for the close cooperation by which this can occur, in full respect of the respective mandates of the EPPO and the Court.
The EPPO signed a working arrangement on 13 September 2021 with the Italian General Prosecu- tor’s Office of the Court of Auditors aiming to provide a structured framework for cooperation and to establish and maintain a cooperative relationship between them.
Benedetta Ubertazzi;
Arturo Iadecola – Slides 1 – Slides 2

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