Networking activities
Audit Institutions Subcommittee
The subcommittee deals with the integration in the EU context of the profession of Chartered Accountants who follow economic, financial, and tax matters.
The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) is in charge of investigating, prosecuting, and bringing to trial economic crimes affecting the financial interests of the EU, such as fraud, corruption, money laundering, and cross-border fraud.
This subcommittee enhances the involvement and awareness of accountants in the strategic role of EPPO within the EU context.
Antonio Fortarezza
President of the Anti-Money Laundering Commission of the Milan Association of Chartered Accountants
Vice Chair:
Cesare Montagna
Anti Money Laundering Senior Learning Advisor Compliance Specialist

Registro dei Titolari Effettivi: il punto sul difficoltoso percorso per la sua adozione
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