Topic 422nd March 2022 | 10:30-12:30 | Building Agorà U6 – Classroom 21
The EPPO and the European Commission’s Anti-Fraud Strategy 2019
The start of the operations of the EPPO should be an important step forward in bringing new impetus to the
overall anti-fraud architecture of the Union. The EPPO will endeavour to be actively involved in the main
strategic EU initiatives in this area, notably the revised 2019 Commission’s Anti-Fraud Strategy (CAFS).
Participants: Benedetta Ubertazzi.
Material: Video Event – Slide
22st MARCH – TOPIC 4: THE EPPO PROGRAMMING 2021–23: HIGHLIGHTS poster EPPO 2022 (download)
- The EPPO and the European Commission’s Anti – Fraud Strategy 2019 ( Fabrizia Bemer) (download)
- The EPPO and the European Commission’s Anti – Fraud Strategy 2019 (Benedetta Ubertazzi) (download)
Video course (download)
23rd March 2022 | 10:30-12:30 | Building Agorà U6 – Classroom 36
The EPPO and the Digitalisation of criminal justice
The operationalisation of the EPPO will equally build on broader EU-level efforts towards the digitalisation of justice, and criminal justice in particular. In December 2020, the European Commission adopted a package of initiatives to modernise the EU justice systems, including the Communication on the Digitalisation of Justice in the EU. The Covid-19 pandemic has given an extra impetus to digitalisation efforts.
Participants: Benedetta Ubertazzi; Giulio Tagliabue.
Material: Video Event – Slide
22st MARCH – TOPIC 4: THE EPPO PROGRAMMING 2021–23: HIGHLIGHTS poster EPPO 2022 (download)
- The EPPO and the Digitalisation of criminal justice (Giulio Tagliabue) (download)
- The EPPO and the Digitalisation of criminal justice ( Benedetta Ubertazzi) (download)
Video course (download)
28th March 2022 | 10:30-12:30 | Building Agorà U6 – Classroom 32
EPPO-OLAF relations and interactions
The nature of investigations, their compatibility and scope. Admissibility of evidence gathered by OLAF in
EPPO proceedings; exchange of information between OLAF, EPPO, national authorities and other bodies;
views of the future topography of protection of financial interests of the EU.
Participants: Benedetta Ubertazzi; Petr Klement.
Material: Video Event – Slide
28st MARCH – TOPIC 4: THE EPPO PROGRAMMING 2021–23: HIGHLIGHTS poster EPPO 2022 (download)
- EPPO-OLAF relations and interactions ( Petr Klement ) (download)
Video course (download)